CAFE Standards: Our Biggest Energy Conservation Measure

In my previous blog (‘The Beginnings of a U.S. Energy Policy’) I stated my belief that recent U.S. Congresses have been ‘dysfunctional’ with regard to energy policy and that it was quite different in the 1970’s when Democrats and Republicans worked together to pass energy legislation. My example was the passage of the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act which I participated in as a Senate staffer.  An important title of that Act was labeled ‘Corporate Average Fuel Economy’ which came to be more popularly known as CAFE.   This bill was signed into law in December 1975 and remained unamended until 2007, 32 years later, when the CAFE standards for new car fleets were increased slightly.  At that time I decided to write down some of the history of CAFE, recognizing that it was the most important energy conservation legislation passed to date, that only a few people knew that history first hand, and that I was getting a ‘bit long in the tooth’ and might forget a few details.  The resulting piece, published in the ‘Physics and Society’ e-newsletter that October, is attached (The Origins of CAFE).  It adds a bit to history and demonstrates that cooperation between our two political parties is possible when the long-term national interest is driving both. Recent changes to CAFE will further enhance its impact.





The Beginnings of a U.S. Energy Policy

This has been a historic week in the U.S. for several reasons – important decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and President Obama’s June 25th climate change speech at Georgetown University (We Need to Act) and the follow-on announcement on U.S. policy toward financial assistance for new coal power plants overseas.  I had not planned on ‘blogging’ on this latter issue today until I read the attached article in  today’s Washington Post (US policy on coal power plant financing) and quickly came to believe that it was so important that it could override what I had already planned to write about.  I see it as contributing an important and desirable element of an emerging national policy on global warming/climate change and related energy technologies.  Nevertheless, I continue to believe that a long-term, enduring and economically impactful national energy policy requires Congressional action in addition to Presidential administrative action.  In my view the U.S. Congress has been dysfunctional in this regard in recent years, disregarding the long-term interests of the nation in favor of short-term political and related vested interests.  This is a significant change from the 1970’s, when the two major political parties had their usual ideological disagreements but came together, after the Arab Oil Embargo,  to pass energy legislation that was deemed to be in the national interest (Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975/EPCA, Pub.L. 94-163).  I will be writing more about this in future blogs. 

I will conclude this blog by bringing to your attention a recent article in the e-journal Sun & Wind Energy 6/2013 (Energy policy – Scotland).  It touches on the benefits to Scotland of its energy policy, and headlines the article by stating:  “Governments still lacking a comprehensive federal policy on renewable energy and carbon management could learn a lot from Scotland.”  I include the article’s opening paragraph as a further ‘tease’:

“Scotland’s government has made a strong commitment to renewable energy. The small country is now the largest offshore wind market in the world, thanks to  its government, which provides a favorable market through a plan that calls for meeting 100% of electricity demand with renewable resources by 2020.  As a result of that plan and abundant offshore wind energy resources, offshore wind energy may provide half of the country’s total energy demand by 2020.”




Nuclear Power: The Faustian Bargain

This is a well-worn topic, but one I find it hard to stay away from as it got me started on a career path in energy. This career ‘push’ was mentioned in ‘About this blog and me’ and in the preceding blog ‘Values and Energy Policy’.  Nuclear power is also an important energy option for the future, although highly controversial.  In this blog I will share my views on nuclear power and provide a few tidbits of personal history on my initial involvement with the subject.

First the tidbits.  As an engineering physics undergraduate at Cornell in the 1950’s I was exposed to the basics of nuclear fission (‘technologically sweet’) and witnessed the construction of the first nuclear reactor on the campus.  Several distinguished members of the physics faculty were veterans of the Manhattan Project and civilian use of nuclear power was rapidly gaining public attention.  At one point I even considered changing my major to nuclear engineering, but decided not to.

As mentioned in ‘About this blog and me’ I was reintroduced to the nuclear power issue in 1969.  This led to an effort at self-education on the commercial use of nuclear fission and, within a short time, to interaction with members of the nuclear power industry.  This included a meeting with the CEO of the holding company building Vermont Yankee in Vernon, VT just 30 miles north of where I was teaching at UMass/Amherst.  The plant began commercial operations in 1972, and during its construction phase, before the loading of fuel, I was able to bring students on a tour of the plant and its reactor core, a rather unique experience.  This was possible through a relationship I developed with the chief engineer at Vermont Yankee, who I also invited to address my class (about 100 students during the initial phase of teaching science to non-science majors) on the pros of nuclear power.  His interaction with the students still resonates with me as an indication of the problems the nuclear power industry has had in the U.S..  Incredibly, he started by stating that he was not sure why he was speaking to a class of non technical people as nuclear power was a technology issue and was best left to the technology folks.  He then presented a standard discussion in support of nuclear power and I opened the session to student questions.  Having been prepared on some of the issues in previous classes, these non-technologists proceeded to tear him apart, an experience I’m sure he did not soon forget.  His ‘arrogance’ was the problem, which may have been all too characteristic of the nuclear industry in its early days.  Vermont Yankee even had its first fuel rods loaded upside down, resulting in Vermont’s Attorney General labeling the plant ‘a turkey’.


Other interactions with the ‘industry’ included public debates on nuclear power with a scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory (who said ‘drinking coffee is more dangerous than nuclear power’), with a faculty member from the MIT Nuclear Engineering Department (who emphasized the low probability of a nuclear accident), and with a Vice President of Northeast Utilities on a Boston TV program ‘For Women Only’.  I also presented a number of invited talks on nuclear power and even used this issue as my presentation to the selection committee for the APS Congressional Fellowship Program.

Other tidbits:  in 1969-70 the Nixon Administration was pushing nuclear power and identified the salt beds in Lyons, Kansas as the repository for nuclear wastes – a contentious issue that was rearing its head.  Unfortunately, after a too-hasty announcement, the Administration had to withdraw Lyons from consideration – the isolation of the salt beds had been compromised by numerous drillings for oil, and water had a clear path downward.

A rather interesting development came out of my frustration with the Science Editor at the New York Times, who received several letters from me about the need for a national debate on nuclear power.  He didn’t acknowledge my letters, let alone publish them, so my ‘mentor’, David Inglis, and I decided to do something about getting that debate going.  We invited Ralph Nader and his PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) directors to Amherst for a weekend, during which we briefed them on the issues related to nuclear power.  We could think of no better way to get such a debate started than to get Nader and his folks involved, and I believe it worked.

As for my views on nuclear power I have never been anti-nuclear but  understand the concerns that many people have.  Alvin Weinberg, former Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, said it best in 1947 when he said that nuclear power is a ‘Faustian bargain’, defined by the Cultural Dictionary as follows:

“Faust, in the legend, traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. To “strike a Faustian bargain” is to be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless desire for knowledge or power.”

As a committed renewable energy type I advocate moving as rapidly as possible to an energy system based on renewable energy, having devoted most of my professional career to helping make that possible.  Nevertheless, there are realities about how fast that can come about and how to meet people’s needs for electricity while that transition takes place.  Coal has been the dominant fuel in U.S. electricity generation for many years, but is losing its grip to natural gas.  Both fossil fuels, when combusted, put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, natural gas less than coal, but an aspect of coal combustion that has received much too little attention is that burning coal puts small but steady amounts of radioactivity in the form of uranium and thorium into the atmosphere (see Coal Combustion – ORNL Review Vol. 26, No. 3&4, 1993).  This 1993 article offers useful information on something that is not widely known and which the coal industry is not likely to tell you about.

As mentioned above, I have been distressed about how the nuclear industry has presented this technology to the public and been resistant to recognizing legitimate concerns associated with a nuclear economy.   These include cost, safety, long-term waste storage, and weapons proliferation.  The cost issue is front and center with utilities, especially now that natural gas costs are low due to fracking.  It is my belief that a safe (i.e., non-meltdown) nuclear reactor can be built today (e.g., HTGR’s), unlike the early PWR’s and BWR’s built at 3-Mile Island and Fukishima.   Care and maintenance are critical, and human error and trying to cut costs have a tendency to get in the way, as evidenced recently in California.  Nevertheless, the likelihood of a nuclear plant accident is arguably small, and  if one rules out a meltdown coal-burning plants may put more radioactivity into the environment than occasional radioactive gaseous releases.  This comparison needs to be explored more fully in the public domain.

The waste issue is a tough one, but one that has to be solved as we started off the nuclear era with tens of millions of gallons of high-level waste from our weapons program in WWII.  Civilian wastes are adding to this total in an increasing number of countries around the world, and the long term waste issue is being actively explored.  I believe a solution will be found, probably in deep geologic storage, but at this point we don’t know enough to be confident.

The weapons proliferation issue is the one that scares me the most, not just because of the growing knowledge of how to build a ‘nuclear device’ (i.e., a bomb), but the potential availability of radioactive wastes that can be incorporated into a ‘dirty bomb’.  This latter possibility does not require great technical and manufacturing capabilities (it requires chemical explosive dispersal of radioactive materials) but can do immeasurable harm by creating uninhabitable radioactive zones.  When I raised this issue with a representative of the Nuclear Energy Institute his response was the U.S. can handle such wastes safely, which may be true.  But when I asked him about the many other countries that were adding nuclear power plants he went silent, illustrating the problem.   Many countries will not have the means, technical and financial, to control these wastes as well as we and a few other counties can, and the only answer I can come up with is internationalization of the waste disposal/recycling process.   Another approach for future nuclear plants is to use a different fuel cycle that produces and consumes its own high-level waste.   Modular reactors are also being discussed (100-300MWe units, as opposed to today’s standard 1,000MWe units) which, in principle, can be mass produced, be less capital expensive, and sealed without refueling for years to decades.  Regardless, there will still be a waste problem that has to be addressed.

I’ll end this blog with a recognition that nuclear power has many strong advocates, including those who point out that nuclear fission does not put carbon into the atmosphere and thus addresses global warming and climate change,  and equally sincere and vocal opponents who fear the possible negative impacts of the Faustian bargain and believe that investments in nuclear power will crowd out investments in renewable energy, the basis of our future energy system.  I assume the views expressed above will stimulate at least a few comments, and I look forward to the subsequent debate.


Values and Energy Policy

In my previous blog entry (‘Global Warming and Climate Change’) I made brief reference to a speech I gave at the University of Delaware in February 1982 –  ‘Values in Energy Decision Making: Some Personal Perspectives’.  It touches on a subject not discussed often enough in policy making circles, and I offer a complete copy of that talk (UofDel speech-1982) as a stalking horse for reactions and further discussion.  The opening paragraph indicates my purpose in presenting the talk:

“The process of preparing this talk has been an interesting one for me.  It has forced me, for the first time in a long time to think explicitly about the values that have entered into the policymaking activities I have participated in.  It has also made clear that values have been, and are, the major determinants of energy policy.  I am sure this comes as no surprise to those of you in this audience.  However, it is something that energy policymakers most often do not talk about openly in my experience.”

The talk includes some personal history and focuses on two technology/policy areas, nuclear power and energy conservation.  Both were coming into broad visibility at that time.  I will have more to say on both subjects in future blogs.

Global Warming and Climate Change: All Too Real

The attached article by Dana Milbank in the June 12, 2013 Washington Post was the direct trigger for this post, on a topic that was on my list of things to discuss.  It is a harbinger of the future (NYC and GCC).

I first referred to climate change publicly in a speech I gave at the University of Delaware in 1982 entitled ‘Values in Energy Decision Making: Some Personal Perspectives’.  It was just a few years after Jim Hansen first began publishing on the issue of global warming and climate change and undertook to alert the world to the possibilities.  We all owe him a big thanks.  (Note:  the 1982 speech referred to above will be discussed in future blogs on nuclear power, energy conservation, and the role of values in energy policy.)

My current thoughts on global warming and climate change are reflected in the attached power point presentation, an invited Earth Day-related talk to a citizen’s group in northern Virginia (Global Warming and Climate Change).  It was an opportunity for me to review some of the rapidly growing literature on the subject and the latest scientific testimony to Congress. While not being a climate scientist, and recognizing that a few scientists still question the validity of human-induced global warming, I personally have no doubts, based on my reading of the literature as a scientist, that global warming is occurring due to human activities and is having serious impacts.  One such impact is on precipitation patterns which is touched upon in my earlier blog on ‘Water and Energy’.  Some have identified global warming and associated climate change as the most important issue facing the global community, which may be all too true notwithstanding that the world faces many other difficult-to-solve problems as well.