Ocean-based Energy: What Is Its Potential? (Part 1 of 2)

    Ocean energy comes in four distinct types (five if you include offshore wind energy – see earlier blog on this topic): wave energy, ocean current energy, tidal energy, and OTEC (ocean thermal energy conversion). Together they represent a major new energy source for the world and all have been shown to work. The major problems are reliability and cost and all are in early stages of development.

    Given the potential length of this blog, and my goal to keep each blog easily readable, I have decided to break up the ocean energy blog into two parts, the first on wave energy (Part 1), to be published today, and the second on the three other listed ocean energy technologies: ocean current energy, tidal energy, and OTEC (Part 2), to be published in a few days.

    Part 1: Wave Energy
    Wave energy is the most advanced, with a large and growing literature and several operating demonstration sites. Wikipedia defines ‘wave energy’ as “…the transport of energy by ocean surface waves, and the capture of that energy to do useful work – for example, electricity generation, water desalination, or the pumping of water (into reservoirs).” Wikipedia further explains that “Waves are generated by wind passing over the surface of the sea. As long as the waves propagate slower than the wind speed just above the waves, there is an energy transfer from the wind to the waves.”


    It is interesting to note that since wind energy is an indirect form of solar energy (winds are generated by uneven heating of the earth’s surface by solar radiation) then so is wave energy. Waves are irregular, varying in frequency and height, and successful wave power conversion systems will tap as much as possible of the kinetic energy in the up and down motion of waves to generate electricity or mechanical power. R&D efforts, of which there are now many with a major testing/demonstration site off the coast of Scotland, are focused on doing this energy capture at the lowest possible cost. Many different designs are being created and tested.

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    What is wave energy’s potential? The answer is huge – the kinetic energy in wave motion is a big number. Specifically, the Ocean Energy Council states that “An average 4-foot, 10-second wave striking a coast puts out more than 35,000 horsepower per mile of coast.” Another estimate (Wikipedia) is that “In major storms, the largest waves offshore are about 15 meters high and have a period of about 15 seconds, …such waves carry about 1.7 MW of power across each metre of wavefront.” The global potential is estimated to be more than 2 terrawatts (TW) – current global generating capacity is a bit more than 5 TW.
    Wave energy also offer several advantages over other renewable energy technologies: it is produced 24/7, is more steady in output than wind or solar (i.e., higher capacity factors), has lower infrastructure costs (requires no access roads ), and is less obtrusive visually than offshore or land-based wind turbines. Of course wave energy still requires cabling to deliver power to shore and incurs all the difficulties of operating reliably in a marine environment. The next decade should see considerable progress in developing this technology and realizing its potential. Please stay tuned!

Ocean-based Energy: What Is Its Potential? (Part 2 of 2)

(Note: this is a continuation of the previous blog on ocean energy)

Part 2: Ocean Current Energy, Tidal Energy, OTEC
A second ocean energy technology receiving attention is marine current power. As with wave power useful energy is derived from the kinetic energy found in the oceans, but in this case it is derived from ocean currents flowing beneath the ocean’s surface. An example is the Gulf Stream that flows around Florida in the U.S. Other areas with high marine current flows that can be usefully tapped by underwater ‘turbines’ are between islands, around headlands, and entrances to bays and large harbors.


While few studies have been carried out to date on this resource’s global potential, one 2000 study (Blue Energy) put the number at 450 GW. A 2006 study from the U.S. Department of the Interior estimates that capturing just 1 part in 1000 of the available kinetic energy of the Gulf Stream would supply 1/3 of Florida’s electrical demand. Ocean current energy also offers two significant advantages over other renewable energy technologies – it can be utilized with little environmental impact and is a reasonably predictable energy resource, lending itself to base-load applications.

A related form of ocean energy is tidal energy which taps the kinetic energy in a fast-flowing body of water created by tides. Generally, strong tidal flows exist where the water depth is relatively shallow and there is a broad vertical range beneath high and low tides. These tides are created by gravitational interactions among the earth, moon and sun, and are also impacted by the earth’s rotation and regional ocean temperature differences. One form of tidal energy (barrage) captures water at high tide and releases it at low tide, a form of hydroelectricity.


While still in its infancy, and geographically limited, there are currently two operating commercial tidal power plants (in La Rance, France and Nova Scotia, Canada), with a third pilot plant being tested in Russia. While the U.S. has few attractive sites (there is one operational site in the East River of New York City), locations in Russis, Canada, France, and the UK offer much more potential.

Finally, I will say a few words about OTEC, a technology that was first demonstrated in the 1880’s and continues to be of interest today. The world’s only currently operating OTEC plant is in Japan (100 KW).

Wikipedia concisely describes the technology:
“Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature difference between cooler deep and warmer shallow or surface ocean waters to run a heat engine and produce useful work, usually in the form of electricity. OTEC is a base load technology that allows for production of electricity on a constant basis. However, the temperature differential is small and this impacts the economic feasibility of ocean thermal energy for electricity generation.”

Geographically limited to the topics where surface water temperatures are highest (85-90F), maximum theoretical Carnot efficiencies are still in the low range of 6-7 percent, using cooling water from depths where the temperature is close to freezing. Actual efficiencies achieved to date are in the range 2-3 percent. Nevertheless, it is important to point out that a small percentage of a very large number (the thermal energy stored in the oceans) is still a large number. Where OTEC struggles is that the low conversion efficiencies require pumping large amounts of seawater and large heat exchanger surfaces to make the technology feasible. Large amounts of pumping impose requirements for large amounts of parasitic power on OTEC systems, and large heat exchangers built for reliability in ocean environments are expensive. To date these factors have kept the technology from commercial application.

The technology comes in two types, both of which require bringing near-freezing seawater to the ocean surface. One is the closed-cycle system that uses exchanged thermal energy to vaporize a fluid with a low boiling point (e.g., ammonia) to power a turbine to generate electricity (see below).


The second type is the open-cycle that directly vaporizes seawater by introducing it into a low-pressure container which causes it to expand and boil. The resulting ‘steam’ drives a low-pressure turbine-generator. This latter form of OTEC offers a significant benefit in addition to electricity – the steam is free of salt and other seawater contaminants and can be condensed as fresh water. In many applications, particularly for isolated island locations, the desalinized fresh water may be more valuable than the electricity.

It should also be noted that a hybrid version of OTEC has also been designed, incorporating features of both types. The OTEC-extracted deep, cold water can also be used for non-power applications such as air conditioning and aquaculture (chilled-soil agriculture, nutrient-rich biology).

Despite these challenges, tentative plans have been announced for plants off the coasts of China and the U.S. Navy base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. A 10-MW closed cycle pilot plant has just become operational in Hawaii. Other OTEC power plants are also being considered.

Wind and Hydropower: A Natural Partnership

This blog was stimulated by an article published in the October 30, 2013 Washington Post: ‘Perfect’ winds blowing Brazil to new era of renewable energy (http://wapo.st/16nattl). It describes a rapid increase in Brazilian onshore wind deployments (the government’s goal is for wind turbines to supply “up to 10 percent of its generating capacity” by 2021) and quotes a Brazilian wind energy company president as saying “Wind is the perfect complement for the hydro base that we have in Brazil.” The purpose of this blog is to put increased focus on the too-little discussed importance of this natural partnership between wind and hydropower.

Hydropower and wind energy are closely related in that both are systems that use turbine blades to convert the kinetic energy of a moving fluid into electricity. In the case of hydropower the fluid is water and in the case of wind energy it is air. In both cases the energy available for conversion is proportional to the third power of the fluid speed V past the turbine – V squared from the kinetic energy in the flow and V from the rate at which fluid is moving through the blades.



Wind energy is a variable (intermittent) renewable energy source that be used as an energy saver for fossil-fuel powered generating systems when the wind is blowing but requires some kind of storage of excess wind-generated electricity if it is to supply electricity at other times. Water reservoirs associated with hydropower dams serve as a natural “storage battery” for variable wind (or variable solar) as hydroelectric generators have short response/startup times as well as flexibility as to when water can be released to the generators from reservoir storage. The combination of wind and hydro thus provides a system capable of firming up power availability even when the wind is not blowing and reduces complementary water releases when the wind is blowing.

But this hybrid system has its limitations. It works extremely well as long as the wind component is not too large and the variations can be handled by the hydropower system’s flexibility. When wind generation gets too big that flexibility no longer exists or becomes increasingly expensive and excess wind energy must be utilized elsewhere. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration, underway in five Pacific Northwest states, is exploring options for addressing this growing problem.

A few more words about onshore wind (today’s dominant form of wind energy; offshore wind, an emerging technology, is discussed in an earlier blog on this web site) and hydropower, both of which are considered mature technologies.

Falling water first became a source for generating electricity in 1879 at Niagara Falls. Today hydropower provides about 20% of global electricity, with China, Canada, Brazil, the U.S. and Russia being the largest producers. There are about 78,000 MWe of hydropower generation capacity from 2,500 dams in the U.S. at present, with an additional 22,000 MWe in pumped storage capacity. Depending on rainfall and water availability, hydro provides about 6-7 percent of U.S. electricity and is currently the largest U.S. source of renewable electricity.

An interesting aspect of U.S. hydropower generation is that while further development of large hydropower projects is problematic (the best sites have already been developed) considerable potential exists for increased hydropower through development of new small and micro hydroelectric plants (59,000 MWe), development of new hydroelectric capacity at existing dams without hydropower facilities (17,000 MWe), and generation efficiency improvements at existing facilities (4,000 MWe).

Onshore wind energy capacity now totals more than 60,000 MWe in the U.S. and more than 300,000 MWe globally. Both numbers are growing rapidly. An interesting aspect of U.S. onshore capacity is the limitation imposed by existing highways – components for wind turbines beyond a given size (about 3 MWe) cannot be accommodated by existing roads. In principle the bigger the wind turbine the better the economics (ignoring the visual and noise impacts), a major argument for putting wind turbines offshore where size is not limited and other impacts are mitigated. One response being examined is manufacturing turbine components (towers, generators) in place using movable manufacturing systems.


In sum, hydropower and wind energy are important sources of renewable electricity with significant growth potential individually and as hybrid partners. Both will be important parts of our inexorable march to a renewable energy future.

What I Took Away From the Doha Clean Energy Forum

Returned on Friday (11 October) from four days in Doha where I participated in the final annual Global Clean Energy Forum sponsored by the International Herald Tribune (IHT). In the future IHT will be known as the International New York Times.


The Forum organizers put together an excellent set of international speakers on a broad range of clean energy issues, including fracking gas and it’s impact on investments in renewables, energy technology innovation, sustainable energy in Arab and developing countries, carbon capture and sequestration, and perspectives of the financial community on investments in renewable energy. The agenda can be found at http://www.inytcleanenergy.com/2013-agenda.asps.

Some of my take-aways are the following:

– shale gas from fracking is seen as a definite part of future energy supplies and will be considered ‘complimentary’ to other natural gas supplies such as those from the large reserves in Qatar.
– the availability of relatively low cost, large shale gas supplies will affect the pace of investments in renewable energy technologies.
– the fact that water and energy issues are ‘inextricably linked’ is gaining wider acceptance but is still not routinely mentioned in discussions of energy supplies.
– global investment in deployment of renewables is increasing, but the pace of investment will have its ups and downs, with national policies being a critical determining factor in these early days.
– transportation will be an important future market for fuel cell and other forms of green electricity.
– there is much opportunity and need for innovation in clean energy technologies, with a corresponding need for appropriate incentives.
– The United Nations is finally on board with the need for greater attention to energy issues in sustainable development (there were no energy goals in the 2000 Millennium Development Goals).
– The financial community sees solar energy as the best bet for future renewable energy investments. De-risking clean energy investments is a critical need in funding decisions.
– three speakers made a strong case for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) as a means of addressing global warming and climate change, especially in heavily carbon emitting industries such as cement production. Lots of questions remain, and will be discussed in a future blog.


Off to Doha – international Herald Tribune’s Global Clean Energy Forum

I will be leaving on Sunday, October 6th to spend most of a week in Doha, Qatar. This will largely be to participate in the International Herald Tribune’s annual Global Clean Energy Forum. My next blog(s) will be based on what I experience and learn at the Forum. (Note: as of October 15th the IHT will formally be relabeled New York Times International).

The following description is from the 2013 Forum web site (http://www.ihtconferences.com/gcef-2013.aspx):

“Sustainability in the new energy reality

The 2013 Global Clean Energy Forum will explore the new energy reality – that of abundant fossil fuels, cooling political sentiment towards renewables and risk-averse investors.

It will examine the new role of clean energy within the overall energy mix, and the complete journey towards a sustainable future which will include cleaner hydrocarbons and nuclear 2.0.” The full agenda and other Forum details can be found at the web site.

Solar PV

Specifically, I will be a speaker in the October 9th interview session labeled ‘The new energy mix’ (details below):

“On-stage keynote interview: The new energy mix
Shale gas, and increasingly shale oil, are changing the dynamics for the whole energy industry – especially in the US, but with global repercussions. What does this mean for renewables?

How will renewable energy prices be affected by the rise of shale?
What part will gas play in the transition to clean energy?
What next for onshore and offshore wind?
What is the place for Concentrated Solar Power in tomorrow’s energy mix?
How can the water energy nexus be balanced?
Dr Allan Hoffman, Visiting Professor of Renewable Energy and Desalination, GORD (Gulf Organization for Research and Development) and former Senior Analyst, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy (DOE)
Santiago Seage, CEO, Abengoa Solar
Omran Al-Kuwari, CEO & Co-founder, GreenGulf Inc.”

Meetings such as this are becoming more common and needed as renewables enter the energy mainstream.